When should you look at outsourcing social media?
I was talking with a client the other day who suggested he wanted to set up a group for a network of professionals so they could stay connected. We went back and forth over which would work better Facebook Groups or LinkedIN groups and finally it came down to this: What is the goal exactly? What is your demographic? Where are these people currently? Who is setting the platform or group up? Do they prefer LinkedIN or Facebook?
Ultimately my answer is even if Facebook groups are the answer here to this particular network if you hate Facebook and you are running the platform or administering it then you can’t do it on Facebook, unless you are outsourcing social media marketing. AND, if your audience doesn’t use LinkedIN then a LinkedIN Group is a hard sell and a potential failure. Same can be said for Facebook or any other channel.
This got me thinking what are the reasons a business might outsource? There are several but here I’ve captured eight.
Eight times outsourcing social media marketing makes sense.
YOU hate social media.
That’s the first one. Top of the list. If you know your business needs social media marketing but you hate twitter and Instagram and Facebook then you are not doing anyone any favours by setting it up and administering that platform every day. WE can tell when you hate it so don’t. It won’t be effective. You need outsourcing. Outsourcing social media doesn’t make you a failure. Quite the opposite. It can make you a social media marketing success story. Maybe you need me (inkcrblr@rogers.com).
So here’s the thing – you might not need a lot of time every day to make this marketing plan work but you do have to invest some time in social media. You have to be there listening and answering. If you can’t check in on twitter promptly to see if anyone is mentioning you or asking questions then you need someone who can do that for you. If you can’t check in on your thriving Facebook group of 1,500 advocates and patients or ambassadors they will leave or they will take over and post whatever they want. Facebook of all the platforms, in my experience, needs the most nurturing and involvement. You can’t set it up and leave it.
You are Not Good at Social Media.
Yes practice helps, but if you still are really not good and you struggle with what to tweet or how to manage that customer on Facebook…worse yet if it takes you three hours to post a photo and caption with hashtags to Instagram you are wasting time that could be spending making money. Time is Money. Spend the time doing what you are best at as long, as that activity is bringing in sales or leads or money. Outsource the rest as long as you can afford it and it’s within the budget.
Language/ Language Barrier.
If you speak French only, or German only and your clients are 90 % English speaking then you will not be able to do Facebook in English. That’s common sense. You need support. Find someone reliable and have them do your posting for you.
You Are a 9 to 5 person.
If you need nights and weekends off then you can’t do this job effectively. Imagine that your business is entertainment based, or that you are a politician, or you run a subscription box service. When are your customers on line? If they are on after 5 and you are not then you have a problem. I am not suggesting that you need to be there 24/7 but you will need to be there if and when customers are there. So you may need someone even just part time to pick it up after hours if you really need time off after 5 p.m.
Spelling and Grammar are Sketchy.
Listen I know many people who post without concern about spelling and grammar. Don’t do it. Contract or hire out. People are unforgiving on social media. If you cannot spell you convey a careless attitude to customers. NOT GOOD. Hire someone who is qualified.
Personality Issues.
So maybe passwords vex you. Or you get frustrated easily or are a Hothead. Do you snap at anyone you disagree with? You can’t do that online ever. Social media is unforgiving. You can’t flip out on someone who disagrees with you or criticizes your business. That will damage your business longterm. Dramatically. If you don’t have a patient bone in your body and you take everything personally, then outsourcing is the answer. Vet your person appropriately though.
I am happy to provide case studies, media kit or testimonials on request.
Contact Paula Schuck – inkscrblr@rogers.com
You Don’t Take it Seriously.
HUGE mistake. Remember the person who tweeted drunk off of a client account of a huge NGO? Remember the influencer who once tweeted something extremely racist while visiting South Africa? YES, we all have heard or seen examples of poor judgement on social media. Everyone remembers them and those people or brands rarely recover. Harsh truth – you can’t mess around with social media marketing. It is a piece of your business strategy. End of story.
Social Media Marketing is not an Option or Extra
I’ve said it before and I will say it again, social media marketing is not an add on. It is a key part of your strategy and your marketing plan in 2018/ 2019. You have to be there and you need to do it well. This is a virtual path straight to your customer. Do you ignore that and leave money on the table? NO!!! If you can’t tackle the social media marketing pieces of your strategy leave it to me. Outsourcing social media can be the best solution.
The Answer is Easy
I can help – inkscrblr@rogers.com
Thrifty Mom Media handles social media marketing campaigns in London, Ontario for small businesses and throughout Canada for health, lifestyle, travel and charity clients.