interacting on instagram

interacting on instagram

How to Interact with Others on Instagram

Interacting with others on Instagram can help you reach your target audience. If you’re a new user, however, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Interacting on Instagram is partly about being creative, and partly about common sense. It’s also of course always about reciprocity and being social. It is social media after all. Here are some tips to help get you interacting on Instagram:


Interacting on Instagram involves engagement just like any other social channel.

Post frequently to interact with other Instagram users. The best way to find followers is by creating and posting unique, interesting images. Use relevant hashtags to find the right audience for your posts. Once you have an audience, the best way to keep it is to interact with them. Continue interacting with them by creating new engaging content. Interacting on Instagram begins and ends with content.

Like and comment on other users’ posts. When someone likes your post, try to return the favor. Likewise, if someone comments on your post, try to respond. It’s common courtesy and can help you build long-lasting connections! It’s a lot like twitter that way.

Start building connections. Rather than waiting for people to find your posts, start reaching out to people. Try to find users who have a similar Instagram style, anyone who posts similar things, or anyone who posts things you find interesting. Follow them, leave comments on the posts you find interesting, or ‘like’ their posts. Some users may then check out your posts, but if they don’t acknowledge you, that’s okay, too.

Make sure you follow back. To prevent anything from seeming too one-sided, be sure to follow people back, but be strategic. Don’t follow too many people at once or that can negatively impact your account. At the same time, keep an eye out for users who follow you and then unfollow you once you’ve followed them back.

No matter what your reasons are for using this social media site, these are just a few of the things you can do to interact with others on Instagram. Interacting on Instagram begins and ends with content but in between there’s a whole lot of liking, browsing and engaging that happens to make it work.

If you need an Instagram strategy or campaign contact Paula Schuck at I have built Instagram campaigns for many brands, people and non profits too.